October 23-25, 2024
How can we learn to “tread softly” in a world increasingly marked by polarization? How to overcome reductionism in a time of complex issues such as climate and humanitarian crises and which, at the same time, is challenged by disinformation and denialism?
It is urgent to understand ourselves as Nature, to learn from it and from counter-colonial cultures on how to continue our multiple existences. The Earth will remain, as Nature is integrated, cyclical and sovereign, but the continuity of our existence depends on the understanding that we are all interconnected in a fine web of biointeractions between all beings and things in the world. To this end, educating between Nature and culture means learning ways to cohabit this world and re-enchant it with hope, affection and solidarity.
Nita Freire explains, in the final “notes” of Pedagogy of Hope, Paulo Freire’s viable unpublished works: They are, in reality, “an unprecedented thing, not yet clearly known and experienced, but dreamed of and when it becomes a “highlighted perception” For those who think utopianly, they know that the problem is no longer a dream, that it can become reality.”
Right away, we have the challenge of overcoming dualities and inviting them into dialogue, evoking body and mind, nature and culture, subject and object, content and expression, fiction and reality, ancestry and future, etc. To achieve this, it is necessary to launch into bold contemporary educational proposals that provide not only a “new look”, but that cultivate transformative perceptions and actions.
At the 5th Sesc RJ World Education Congress, we will bring important references in research on imagination, learning, new inter and transdisciplinarities that emerge from the intersections between art, science and technology. More than a congress in which speeches and actions are shared, we aim to strengthen an international network of educators who aim to build and nurture an ecological and cosmic ethics, from which “cosmoperceptions” emerge focused on life, the community and possible futures.
Axes for presenting Work
1. Imaginary, Processes and Critical Perception
Topics covered: Imaginary, education of perception, modulation of attention.
Objective: Explore how narratives and imaginative processes impact education and the critical ability to deal with information overload in today’s world.
2. Inter and Transdisciplinarity in Education
Topics covered: Articulation of diverse knowledge (sciences, humanities, arts, spirituality, activism).
Objective: Promote the integration of different areas of knowledge and practices for plural and inclusive education, exploring new methodologies and approaches.
3. Situation and Diversity
Topics covered: Politics, ancestries, economy, culture, climate issues, race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities.
Objective: To analyze the impact of sociopolitical and cultural issues on education, addressing diversity and inclusion.